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When ordering a produkt/service you will be asked to fill in your personal information. Upon purchase you agree to this information is stored in accordance with MCB privacy policy in order to fulfill our agreement to you as our customer.In accordance to the swedish law of personuppgiftslagen(198:204) yo have the right to know the information MCB have registered about your person. If the information is erroneous, incomplete or irrelevant, you may ask to have your information corrected and/or removed. If this is the case please contact us by e-mail.

We try to deliver one to two times each week.

All prices in SEK

Card payment means instant withdrawal


When checkout the customer accept our terms

ARF Military collectables 6408271119


MCB is not liable for any non-performance caused by circumstances beyond our control, which directly or indirectly prevents, obstructs or renders production, delivery or freight uneconomical until such obstacle has been removed(force majeure). Such circumstances shall be deemedto include difficulties to procure raw materials as well as other difficulties and disturbances, including but not limited to war,riot,labour conflicts,fire,flood,storm,accident,fuel or power shortages, transportation shortages, obstacles or interruptions regarding transportation at sea and breakdowns or interruptions of any kind as regards to our equipment or facilities, which are deemed necessary for the performance of our agreements obligations.


Also read at EU´s website for online dispute resolution

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